of the citizens thereof to determine whether or not this
Act shall become effective.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the citizens of the area within the boundaries
hereinafter described in Prince George's County, Maryland, be,
and they are hereby created a body corporate by the name of
Mayor and Town Council of Forest Heights, and by said
name shall have perpetual succession, sue and be sued, have
and use a common seal, and purchase, hold, use, lease and
dispose of real, personal and leased property for the benefit
of the town..
SEC. 2. The boundaries of said Town shall be as follows:
Being all of those tracts of land comprising Sections Two
(2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), and Seven (7),
of the subdivision known as Forest Heights, Prince George's
County, Maryland, as per plat thereof duly recorded among
the Plat Records of said county as follows:
Section 2, Forest Heights, B. B. No. 8, Folio 43.
Section 3, Forest Heights, B. B. No. 9, Folio 77.
Section 4, Forest Heights, B. B. No. 10, Folio 13.
Section 5, Forest Heights, B. B. No. 10, Folio 14.
Section 6, Forest Heights, B. B. No. 10, Folio 24.
Section 7, Forest Heights, B. B. No. 10, Folio 51.
Also that parcel of land bounded on the East by the Indian
Head Highway, on the south and southeast by Parkway Drive
and the intersection of Parkway Drive with the Indian Head
Highway, on the west by the boundaries of the rear line of
the lots of block D, Section 2 on Parkway Drive, and on the
north by the northern boundary, extended east, of the rear
line of the lots of block D, Section 2 on Huron Drive.
Also that parcel of land east of the Indian Head Highway,
south of the Livingston Road, and bounded on the east and
south by Sections 5 and 6, as specified above. For the pur-
poses of incorporation all the above tracts of land shall be
regarded as contiguous, so that if gaps or islands should be
found between them as a result of resurveys or surveyors
mistakes or inaccuracies, such gaps and islands shall be part
of the incorporated area.
SEC. 3. The Town of Forest Heights shall be divided into
three wards for election purposes as follows:
First Ward. The First Ward shall comprise all that part
of the town to the east of the Indian Head Highway.