sub-title "Tax Sales", be and it is hereby repealed and re-
enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
90. (Proceeding to Foreclose Eight of Redemption—Must
Be Brought within Two Years. ) The holder of any certifi-
cate of sale, his heirs or assigns, may at any time after the
expiration of one year and a day from the date of sale, file
a bill in equity to foreclose all rights of redemption of the
property to which such certificate relates, as hereinafter
provided. The right to redeem shall, nevertheless, exist and
continue until finally barred by the decree of the court of
equity in which the foreclosure proceeding is filed. Unless
a proceeding to foreclose the right of redemption is filed
within two years of the date of the certificate of sale, the
said certificate shall be void and any and all right, title and
interest of the holder of the certificate of sale or his predeces-
sors thereof, in and to the property sold shall cease and all
money received by the Collector on account of the said sale
shall be deemed forfeited, and shall be applied by the Col-
lector on the taxes in arrears on said property; provided,
however, that in Charles County no final decree of the Court
foreclosing the right of redemption by the property owner
shall be entered prior to three years from the date of sale.
SEC. 2. And be it farther enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1949.
Approved March 31, 1949.
(House Bill 119)
AN ACT to incorporate the Town of Forest Heights, in
Prince George's County, Maryland, to provide for the gov-
ernment thereof, for the construction and repair of per-
manent street improvements, payment and assessment of
the cost thereof against abutting properties, to place a
limit on the borrowing power of said Town, to provide
for the issuance of bonds or certificates of indebtedness, to
provide for the handling of the proceeds of the sale of such
bonds or certificates of indebtedness, and to direct the levy
of an ad valorem tax for the payment of principal and in-
terest on bonds or certificates of indebtedness issued for
the purpose of paying for storm water and surface drain-
age improvements, and to provide for a referendum vote