North 72 degrees 52% minutes West 7851. 83 feet, thence
at right angles to the above described second line and run-
ning in a Southwestwardly direction South 17 degrees
07% minutes West 16, 400 feet, thence at right angles and
running in a Southeastwardly direction South 72 degrees
52% minutes East 11, 360 feet to the East marginal line
of the Frederick Road; thence with the East marginal line
of Frederick Road South 13 degrees 54 minutes East 625
feet to an iron pin in the East marginal line of said Road
and on the south side of a proposed alley, thence along the
South marginal line of said proposed alley South 84%
degrees East 386 feet to an iron pin at the end of the third
line of a deed from John W. Kennedy and wife to Thomas
B. Watts, thence with the fourth and part of the fifth lines
of said deed South 12 degrees East 825 feet and South 13
degrees East 353. 2 feet, thence South 74% degrees West
247. 5 feet to the aformentioned Frederick Road, thence
along said Road South 20 degrees East 193. 9 feet to the
Antietam Creek, thence 90 feet, more or less, across said
Creek, thence up stream along the East bank thereof, said
East bank being in part the Northern boundary line of
Funkstown, and with the meander ings of the said stream
in a Northwardly direction 12, 512 feet, more or less, to
a point in the, left or East bank of said Antietam Creek
approximately 1200 feet down stream from the bridge
of the Mt. Etna Road over the said stream, and running
thence North 17 degrees 07% minutes East 11, 808. 5 feet
to the place of beginning.
Provided, however, that for development, drainage,
sewerage, sanitary and police purposes, the City of Hagers-
town shall have and exercise full power and control for a
distance of one mile in every direction from said corporate
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1949.
Approved March 31, 1949.
(Senate Bill 335)
AN ACT to authorize the Mayor and Council of Rockville
to acquire an existing water supply and sewerage system
and sewage disposal plant in the sub-division southeast