enter upon any and all property, from time to time, for the
performance of the duties imposed by this Act in making
said survey and in order to erect and maintain suitable
markers for the boundaries of the Town.
404 B. The Commissioners of Willards shall cause to be
made two copies of said survey and the plat thereof, which
plat shall also show the boundary lines of the Town of
Willards as they existed prior to the passage of this Act.
One copy of said survey and plat shall be kept among the
records of the Commissioners of Willards and the other
shall be sent to and be recorded in the Office of the Clerk
of the Circuit Court for Wicomico County, Maryland;
copies of said plats duly certified by the said Clerk, and
under the seal of his office, shall be admitted in evidence
in all Courts of this State. Any person interfering with
the agents, servants or employees of the said Commis-
sioners of Willards or with any of them, in the discharge
of the duties imposed by this Section, or by the preceding
Section, and any person removing or interfering with said
boundary, stones, monuments or markers,, planted as
aforesaid, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject
to a fine of not less than Ten Dollars ($10. 00) nor more
than One Hundred Dollars ($100. 00) to be recovered by
Criminal Proceedings in the Circuit Court for Wicomico
County or in the People's Court for said County.
SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act
shall continue in effect unless on or before June 15, 1949,
at least fifty qualified voters of said town shall petition in
writing for a referendum. In the event the said fifty quali-
fied voters petition for a referendum, the Commissioners
of Willards shall cause a referendum to be held on the
second Monday in July, 1949 in the same manner as now
prescribed by law for elections in the Town of Willards,
and shall cause to be printed or mimeographed ballots to
be used at said referendum showing on separate lines "For
Enlarging the Town Limits" with a square or box oppo-
site the said words, and "Against Enlarging the Town
Limits" with a square or box opposite these words, so
that the voters shall be able to designate by a cross mark
in the proper box or square his or her decision for or
against said question. If a majority of the votes cast on
said question shall be "For Enlarging the Town Limits",
then this Act shall continue to be in effect; but if a ma-
jority of the votes cast thereon shall be "Against Enlarging
the Town Limits", then this Act shall be null and void and
of no effect whatsoever.
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