days after the appointment of said Committee; now, there-
fore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
appreciation and gratitude of the members of the General
Assembly be and they are hereby extended to Senator P. G.
Stromberg, Chairman of the Joint Committee on Mental Hos-
pitals; to Mr. Tyler, Vice-Chairman, and to Messrs. Balch,
Delia, Ellison, Kimble, Turnbull, Barnes, Bloom, Burch, Kams-
burg and Robinson, members of said Committee, and Dr.
Elwyn A. Mauck, Secretary, for their constant devotion to
duty and indefatigable work in completing this monumental
task and their efforts to solve this great problem confronting
the State.
Approved April 22, 1949.
NO. 11
(Senate Joint Resolution 15)
Joint Resolution requesting the Governor to appoint a com-
mission to study the laws of Maryland requiring licenses
to engage in a trade or occupation.
WHEREAS, numerous acts heretofore passed by the General
Assembly relate to the requirement of obtaining licenses be-
fore engaging in certain trades or occupations; and
WHEREAS, it appears that a license procured in one political
subdivision of the State authorizing the holder thereof to
carry on a trade or occupation is not recognized in other
political subdivisions; and
WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to study said laws with
a view to eliminating unnecessary duplications and facilitat-
ing the enjoyment throughout the State of the privileges
thereby conferred; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Governor be and he is hereby requested to appoint a com-
mission, of such number as he shall determine, to study said
licensing laws and to submit its report and recommendations
to the Governor and Legislative Council on or before Novem-
ber 1, 1949 and to the General Assembly at the beginning of
its next regular session.
Approved April 22, 1949.