that now may be found in two or more different Articles of
said Code into one Article, with appropriate sub-titles, and to
effect such re-numbering of the remaining Articles of the
Code as is consistent with this consolidation and providing
such codification and re-numbering shall be with the ap-
proval of the Attorney General.
Approved March 31, 1949.
NO. 7
(House Joint Resolution 11)
Joint Resolution memorializing the Congress of the United
States not to Federalize the Practice of Medicine.
WHEREAS,, the American people now enjoy the highest level
of health, the finest standards of scientific care and the best
quality of medical institutions thus far achieved by any
major country in the world; and
WHEREAS,, the great accomplishments of American medicine
are the results of a free profession working under a free
system unhampered by Government control; and
WHEREAS, the experience of all countries where Govern-
ment has assumed control of medical care has been progressive
deterioration of the standards of that care to the serious
detriment of the sick and the needy; now therefore be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Congress of the United States be and is hereby memorialized
not to enact legislation that has been proposed the effect of
which will be to bring the practice of medicine in this coun-
try under federal direction and control; and be it further
Resolved, That the Senators and Representatives from
Maryland in the Congress of the United States be and they
are hereby respectfully requested to use every effort at their
command to prevent the enactment of such legislation; and
be it further
Resolved, That copies of these resolutions be transmitted
by the Secretary of State of Maryland, under the Great Seal
of this State, to the President of the United States, to the pre-
siding officer of each branch of the Congress, and to the mem-
bers thereof from this State.
Approved March 31, 1949.