(Senate Bill 298)
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 27 of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition and 1947 Supple-
ment), title "Crimes and Punishments, " sub-title
"Gaming, " said new section to be known as Section 302C
and to follow immediately after Section 302B of said
Article, making it lawful to hold or conduct carnivals,
bazaars or raffles by certain organizations or corpora-
tions for the benefit of volunteer fire companies, or of
certain fraternal, civic, war veterans, religious or chari-
table organizations or corporations in Caroline County,
and providing for a referendum thereon.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That a new section be and it is hereby added to Article
27 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition and
1947 Supplement), title Crimes and Punishments" sub-
title "Gaming, " said new section to be known as Section
302C, to follow immediately after Section 302B of said
Article, and to read as follows:
302C. Nothing in this sub-title shall be construed to
make it unlawful for any volunteer fire company or bona
fide fraternal, civic, war veterans', religious or charitable
organization or corporation in Caroline County to conduct
or hold a carnival, bazaar or raffle for the exclusive bene-
fit of any such volunteer fire company or fraternal, civic,
war veterans', religious or charitable organization or cor-
poration, provided that no individual or group of indi-
viduals shall benefit financially from the holding of any
such bazaar, carnival, or raffle or shall receive or be paid
any of the proceeds from any such. carnival, bazaar or
raffle, for personal use or benefit. At such carnival, bazaar
or raffle it shall be lawful to award prizes in cash or in
merchandise by such devices as are commonly desig-
nated as paddle wheels, wheels of fortune, chance books,
bingo, or any other gaming device, provided however, that
such carnivals, bazaars or raffles shall be managed by the
members of such group, organization or corporation per-
sonally through its members.
SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act
shall remain effective until the date of the next General
Election, but no longer, unless it shall receive a majority
of the votes cast thereon at said Election, to be held in No-
vember, 1950. The ballots for said General Election in