new sections be and they are hereby enacted in lieu there-
of, said new sections to be known as Sections 145 to 153,
inclusive, to be under the sub-title "State Board of Veter-
inary Medical Examiners, and to read as follows:
State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
145. The State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
is hereby created. The said Board shall consist of five
members who shall be licensed veterinarians of this State,
and in active practice in this State for five years, and in
good standing and who shall be appointed by the Governor
for a term of five years and until their successors are ap-
pointed and qualified, but of those first appointed, one shall
be for a term of one year, one for two years, one for three
years, one for four years and one for five years, from June
1, 1949.
146. Definitions, (a) "Veterinarian" is any person en-
gaged in the practice of veterinary medicine within the
meaning of this sub-title, who for compensation or reward,
diagnosis, prognoses, treats, administers, operates, tests,
manipulates, or prescribes, or applies any apparatus or
appliance for any disease, pain, deformity, defect, injury
wound or physical condition of any animal, or who holds
himself out as being legally so qualified to do so.
(b) For the purpose of this sub-title, the "practice of
veterinary medicine" does not include or apply to (1) li-
censed veterinaries from other states and not having offi-
ces in this State; (2) persons practicing veterinary medi-
cine in the performance of official duties in the service of
the United States or of the State of Maryland, civil or
military; (3) experimentation and scientific research of
biological chemists engaged in the study and development
of methods and techniques, directly or indirectly, related
or applicable to the problems of the practice of veterinary
(c) The word "Board" as used in this sub-title, means
the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners.
147. The State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
shall have power (a) to establish and alter, from time to
time, the standards of preliminary and professional educa-
tion and training requirements for applicants for examina-
tions for license to practice veterinary medicine;
(b) to investigate and determine acceptability and to
approve and disapprove colleges and institutions for the