779. The Governor shall appoint a board which shall be
known as the Board of Examiners and Supervisors, con-
sisting of five (5) persons, for the purpose of examining
into the qualifications and capabilities of all persons who
are engaged or desire to engage in the business of Master
Electrician as defined in Section 783 of this Article. The
board so appointed shall be competent practical electricians
of Baltimore City and shall be selected as follows: one (1)
from nominations made by the Electrical Contractors'
Associations of Maryland, one (1) from nominations
made by the International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers of Maryland, one (1) from nominations made
by the Chief of the Municipal Electrical Inspectors of Bal-
timore City, one (1) from nominations made by the
Maryland Fire Underwriters Rating Bureau, and one (1)
person residing in Baltimore City, who shall be a practical
journeyman electrician who has served at the business for
a period of not less than ten years and a majority of said
Board shall constitute a quorum to transact the business
thereof. The term of office of the members of the first
number so appointed shall be as follows: the nominee from
the Maryland Fire Underwriters Rating Bureau, the nomi-
nee from the Electrical Contractors' Associations, and the
nominee from the International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers of Maryland, two (2) years; the nominee from
the Municipal Inspector, one (1) nominee from the Elec-
trical Contractors' Association, and the person at large,
two (2) years unless removed for cause. Should anys
vacancy occur from any cause during the term of any
Board as herein provided, the Governor shall appoint
someone from nominations made as above provided, to fill
such vacancy. The Governor shall have full power to
remove any member of the Board for incompetency or
improper conduct upon satisfactory evidence being pre-
sented to him of such condition.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1949.
Approved May 6, 1949.
(Senate Bill 166)
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 93 of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition), title "Testa-
mentary Law", sub-title "Wills", said new section to be