(b) Siloam Methodist Church of Siloam, Maryland, $100.00.
(c) Asbury Methodist Church of Sharptown, Maryland,
(d) Mt. Vernon Methodist Church of Sharptown, Maryland,
26'. To the gift and bequest to Vestry of Salisbury Parish
(under the name of Vestry of Wicomico Parish) contained in
the Last Will and Testament of Letitia R. Houston, late of
Wicomico County, Maryland, deceased, recorded in the office
of the Register of Wills for said Wicomico County, in Wills
Liber J. A. H. No. 1, folio 518.
27. To Deed dated February 16, 1948, from Randolph A.
Carr, to Rehoboth Church of God in Christ Jesus (Apostolic),
a body corporate of the State of Maryland, conveying parcels
of land described in said Deed and known as Nos. 1501-1503
and 1505 Myrtle Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber M. L. P.
No. 7369, folio 466, etc.
28. To Deed from The Ten Hills Corporation, a body cor-
porate, to the Trustees of the Third Congregation of The
Disciples of Jesus Christ in the City and Precincts of Balti-
more in the State of Maryland (which name was later changed
by amendment to "Christian Temple", conveying Lot 3, Sec-
tion H, as shown on plat of The Ten Hills Corporation's prop-
erty recorded in Plat Book No. 3, folio 65, among the Land
Records of Baltimore County, in fee simple, dated September
21st, 1925, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
City in Libei} S. C. L. 4459, folio 66.
29. To Deed from The Ten Hills Company, a body cor-
porate, to Christian Temple, a body corporate, conveying Lot
4, Section H, as shown on plat of The Ten Hills Corporation's
property recorded in Plat Book 3, folio 65, among the Land
Records of Baltimore County, in fee simple, dated May 16th,
1931, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City
in Liber S. C. L. 5219, folio 169.
30. To the grant and conveyance of a ground rent of Sev-
enty-two Dollars ($72.00), reversionary interest in the lot and
improvements known as No. 1227 Riverside Avenue in Balti-
more City, State of Maryland, from David Stanley Brown and
Sara Brown, his wife, to Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal
Church of the Fayette Street Station in the City of Baltimore,
a body corporate of the State of Maryland, by deed dated May
16'th, 1947, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
City in Liber M. L. P. 7142, folio 36.