31. To the grant and conveyance of a ground rent of One
Hundred Twenty Dollars (f 120.00), reversionary interest in
the lot and improvements known as No. 5017 Wetheredsville
Road in Baltimore City, State of Maryland, from G. Edward
Pritchard and Ruth H. Pritchard, his wife, to Trustees of the
Methodist Episcopal Church of the Fayette Street Station in
the City of Baltimore, a body corporate of he State of Mary-
land, by deed dated July 31st, 1947, and recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber M. L. P. 7188, folio
32. To the grant and conveyance of four ground rents, the
first of Ninety Dollars ($90.00), reversionary interest in the
lot and improvements known as No. 2228 Poplar Grove Street,
the second of One Hundred Twenty Dollars ($120.00), re-
versionary interest in the lot and improvements known as No.
2507 Queen Anne Roadr the third of Ninety Dollars ($90.00),
reversionary interest in the lot and improvements known as
No. 1411 Bioomingdale Road, and the fourth of Ninety Dollars
($90.00), reversionary interest in the lot and improvements
known as No. 4023 Parkside Drive, all in Baltimore City,
State of Maryland, from Morris Harmatz and Rebecca Har-
matz, his wife, to1 Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church
of the Fayette Street Station in the City of Baltimore, a body
corporate of the State of Maryland, by deed dated September
llth, 1947, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
City in Liber M. L. P. No. 7212, folio 391.
33. To the grant and conveyance of two ground rents, the
first of Ninety-six Dollars ($96.00), reversionary interest in the
lot and improvements known as 3019 Presbury Street, and the
second of Eighty-four Dollars ($84.00), reversionary interest
in the lot and improvements known as No. 1818 Braddish Ave-
nue, both in Baltimore City, State of Maryland, from Morris
Harmatz and Rebecca Harmatz, his wife, to Trustees of the
Methodist Episcopal Church of the Fayette Street Station in
the City of Baltimore, a body corporate of the State of Mary-
land, by deed dated January 9th, 1948, and recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber M. L. P. No. 7337,
folio 289.
34. To the grant and conveyance of a ground rent of Sixty
Dollars ($60.00), reversionary interest in the lot and im-
provements known as No. 2811 Huntingdon Avenue in Balti-
more City, State of Maryland, from Hyman C. Ullman and
wife to Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the
Fayette Street Station in the City of Baltimore, a body cor-
porate of the State of Maryland, by deed dated February
16th, 1948, and recorded among the Land Records of Balti-