roll D. Rudolph and Anna SI. Rudolph, his wife, to George
G. Rudolph, Trustee, dated October 12, 1945, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber M. L. P.
No. 6810, folio 367.
21. To the Deed from The Talbott Building Company to
The Lochearn Presbyterian Church, dated May 27, 1947, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore County in
Liber J. W. B. No. 1559, folio 508, for the property in B*alti-
more County, Maryland, known as Lots Nos. 19, 20, 21 and 22,
Block N. Section 3, on the Plat of Lochearn, recorded in Plat
Book Liber C. H. K. No. 13, folio 102.
22. To the Assignment from Leroy A. Sparr to The Loch-
earn Presbyterian Church, dated May 27, 1947, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore County in Liber J.
W. B. No. 1559, folio 510, for the property known as Lot 5,
Block N, Section 3, as shown on the Plat of Lochearn, re-
corded in Plat Book Liber C. K. No. 13, folio 102, the
improvements thereon being known as No. 3808, Patterson
Avenue, Lochearn, Baltimore County, Slaryland.
23. To the bequest of Five Hundred Dollars (1500.00) to
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, located at Eager
and Valley Streets, Baltimore, Maryland, for masses for
various persons, contained in the Last Will and Testament of
Mary Loretta Popp, late of Baltimore City, Maryland, de-
ceased, recorded in the office of the Register of Wills for Balti-
more City in Wills Liber J. H. B. No. 228, folio 454.
24. To the Deed of The Vestry of St. Matthew's Parish,
Pinkney Memorial Church, of the Protestant Episcopal Church
Hyattsville, Prince George's County, Maryland, from the Bos-
well Development Company, a corporation, dated January 16,
1948, and recorded among the Land Records of Prince George's
County, Maryland, on January 29, 1948, in Liber No. 1007,
folio 368, conveying "Parcel A", containing 1.846 acres as per
plat of Blocks 17, 18, and 19, and parts' of Blocks 14, 15, 16
and 20, Section 5, Queens Chapel Manor, recorded in Plat
Book 14, folio 56, of the County Plat Records.
25. To the following bequests contained in the Last Will
and Testament of Purnell T. White, deceased, late of Wicomico
County, dated May 8, 1948, and admitted to probate by the
Orphans' Court for Wicomico County on May 25, 1948, and
recorded among the records of the Register of Wills for Wicom-
ico County in Will Book J. A. H. No. 3, folio 188.
(a) Washington Methodist Church of Shad Point, Mary-
land, 1100.00.