nue, and more particuarly described in said deed; and also
the sanction and consent of the General Assembly of Mary-
land to the holding and disposal of said property by the
Trustees of Brown's Memorial Baptist Church, Incorporated.
15. To the grant and deed executed by Arthur L. Poore
and wife to the Trustees of the Hamilton Baptist Church of
Baltimore, dated March 17, 1944, and recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber M. L. P. No. 6572,
Folio 374, conveying fee simple property No. 5508 Ellsrode
Avenue, in Baltimore City, and more particularly described in
said deed; and also the sanction and consent of the General
Assembly of Maryland to the holding and disposal of said
property by the Trustees of the Hamilton Baptist Church of
16. To the grant executed by The Trustees of the Hamilton
Baptist Church of Baltimore to Open Bible Broadcasts, Inc.,
dated December 20, 1948, and duly recorded among the Land
Eecords of Baltimore City on December 21, 1948, conveying
fee simple property No. 5508 Ellsrode Avenue, in Baltimore
City, and more particularly described in said deed; and also
the sanction and consent of the General Assembly of Mary-
land to the holding and disposal of said property by the Open
Bible Broadcasts, Inc.
17. To the Deed from Joseph E. Cook and Ida E. Cook, his
wife, to The Trustees of the West Baltimore Methodist Prot-
estant Church, dated November 14, 1929, and recorded among
the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No.
5065, folio 78, for the lot at the northwest corner of Green-
wich Road and Charing Cross Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland.
18. To the Deed from Ida E. Cook to West Baltimore Meth-
odist Church, dated December 12, 1946, and recorded among
the'Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber M. L. P. No.
7053, folio 176, for a lot in Baltimore, Maryland, fronting
fifty-five (55) feet on the northeast side of Charing Cross
Avenue with a depth of one hundred seventy (170) feet.
19. To the Deed from Edgar D. Freeland, Jr., and Florence
K. Freeland, his wife, to The Board of Trustees of the West
Baltimore Methodist Church, dated February 16, 1948, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore County in
Liber J. W. B. No. 1644, folio 261, for* the property known as
No. 5709 Edmondson Avenue, Baltimore County, Maryland.
20. To the gift to the Committee of the Second Presby-
terian Church Society or Congregation in the City of Balti-
more contained in the Supplemental Deed of Trust from Car-