more City, conveying fee simple property located in Balti-
more City, the improvements whereon are known as No. 5015
Gwynn Oak Avenue, and more particularly described in said
deed; and also the sanction and consent of the General
Assembly of Maryland to the holding and disposal of said
property by The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Ee-
deemer of Baltimore City.
11. To the grant and deed executed by Suburban Kealty
Company, Inc., to The Boundary Methodist Church of Balti-
more, Maryland, dated July 24, 1947 and duly recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City, conveying fee
simple property located in Baltimore City, the improvements
whereon are known as No. 4101 Greenmount Avenue, and
more particularly described in said deed; and also the sanc-
tion and consent of the General Asembly of Maryland to the
holding and disposal of said property by The Boundary
Methodist Church of Baltimore, Maryland.
12. To the grant and assignment executed by William F.
Palmer and Mary W. Palmer, his wife to Trustees of the Lee
Street Memorial Baptist Church of Baltimore, dated June
9, 1947 and duly recorded among the Land Eecords of Balti-
more City, conveying the leasehold interest in and to prop-
erty No. 1663 Shadyside Road, in Baltimore City, and more
particularly described in said assignment; and also the sanc-
tion and consent of the General Assembly of Maryland to
the holding and disposal of said property by the Trustees
of the Lee Street Memorial Baptist Church of Baltimore.
13. To the grant and deed executed by Provident Savings
Bank of Baltimore to Trustees of the Lee Street Memorial
Baptist Church of Baltimore, dated June 9, 1947 and duly
recorded among the Land Eecords of Baltimore City, con-
veying the reversion and annual ground rent of $90.00, issu-
ing and payable out of property known as No. 1663 Shady-
side Road, in Baltimore City, and more particularly des-
cribed in said deed; and also the sanction and consent of the
General Assembly of Maryland to the holding and disposal
of said property by the Trustees of the Lee Street Memorial
Baptist Church of Baltimore.
14. To the grant and deed executed by Trustees of the
Church of Christ of Baltimore City, Maryland to The Trus-
tees of Brown's Memorial Baptist Church, Incorporated,
dated April 17, 1947 and duly recorded among the Land
Eecords of Baltimore City on May 31, 1947, conveying the
fee simple property located in Baltimore City, the improve-
ments whereon are known as No. 2000 North Fulton Aye-