(House Bill 769)
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 11 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition), title "Fred-
erick County", said new section to be known as Section
512A, to follow immediately after Section 512 of said
Article, and to be under the sub-title "Licenses", relating
to the licensing of pinball machines or similar devices in
Frederick County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a new section be and it is hereby added to Article
11 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930
Edition), title "Frederick County", said new section to be
known as Section 512A, to follow immediately after Section
512 of said Article and to be under the sub-title "Licenses",
and to read as follows:
512A. Every person, firm or corporation keeping, main-
taining or operating for public entertainment in Frederick
County any pinball machine or similar device, including any
such machine or device which gives or allows free play by
registering such plays on the machine or device, operated or
played by the insertion of a coin shall obtain a license there-
for from the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said county, and
shall pay therefor the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50. 00) for
each such machine or device. The application and license
forms shall be as specified by the said Clerk. Each machine
or device so licensed shall have affixed to it a metal tag
issued by the Clerk, showing that the fee for the current year
has been paid. Each person who owns and maintains three
or more of such machines, regardless of where the same may
be kept as long as they are available to the public to play,
shall also secure from the said Clerk an operator's license,
at an annual fee of Five Hundred Dollars ($500. ). All
licenses shall expire on the thirtieth day of April each
year, shall be transferable upon application to the Clerk of
the Court and shall be prorated monthly; provided, however,
that nothing in this section shall in any way be construed
as authorizing the issuance of a license, other than one here-
inbefore authorized, for any game, device or machine for
which a license may not hereafter lawfully be issued in ac-
cordance with any law of or pertaining to Frederick County.
Any such licensed machine or device may be moved to and
operated at a new location, at the discretion of the licensee.
It shall be a misdemeanor and a violation of this section