from the M. J. Grove Lime Company plant to East Patrick
Street extended; (9) thence with a straight line northeaster-
ly to stone No. 10 on the north side of said East Patrick
Street, extended, said stone No. 10 being at the southeast
corner of Lot No. 5, Block F, a subdivision known as "Trail
Place", a subdivision of a part of the Trail Farm, made
November 1, 1924; (10) thence with a straight line north-
easterly along the dividing line between the farm of Albert
E. King and said "Trail Place" subdivision, 2140. 7 feet to
stone No. 11 in said dividing line; (11) thence with a straight
line northwesterly to stone No. 12 on the north side of East
Church Street extended (Comonly called Gas House Pike),
said stone No. 12 being 3. 0 feet south of the north fence
line along said street and 102. 5 feet west of the southwest
corner, north concrete headwall, on a 4. 0 foot span concrete
box culvert crossing under said East Church Street extended,
said culvert being approximately 650 feet west of the lane
leading to the Routzahn Farm; (12) thence with a straight
line northwesterly to stone No. 13 on the west side of North
Market Street, extended, said stone No. 13, being 25. 0 feet
west of the center line of said North Market Street, extended,
and 78. 0 feet north of the center line of the main central
drive leading from North Market Street, extended, to the
I. O. O. F. Home; (13) thence with a straight line west-
wardly to stone No. 14 on the east side of Motter Avenue,
extended, (formerly called North Bentz Street); said stone
No. 14 being 1. 00 feet west of the east fence line along said
street and 750. 0 feet north of the northwest corner. of Lot
No. 27, Block I, a subdivision of the Daniel H. Buckey Tract,
dated September 15th, 1927; (14) thence with a straight line
westerly to stone No. 1, the place of beginning.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1949.
Approved April 29, 1949.
(House Bill 755)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section
37B (i) of Article 87 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1947 Supplement), title "Sheriffs", sub-title "Compensation
and Duties", relating to the compensation of the deputy
sheriffs of Dorchester County.