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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1563   View pdf image (33K)
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of a line 10. 0 feet westerly of the easterly side of Military
Road (sometimes called Detrick Avenue); (1) thence with
a straight line, 2984. 1 feet southwesterly to stone No. 2, said
stone No. 2 being on the southerly extension of said line 10. 0
feet westwardly of the eastwardly side of Military Road, and
5. 35 feet northward, measured at right angles, from the cen-
ter line of the Hagerstown and Frederick Railway along
West Fourth Street; (2) thence with a straight line, 1197. 2
feet northwesterly to stone No. 3 standing on the northern
side of the Hagerstown and Frederick Railway at a distance
of 5. 35 feet, measured at right angles, from the center line
of said H. & F. Ry. tracks, said stone No. 3 also being 78. 1
feet, measured along said railway track, southeaserly from
the center line of the main entrance driveway to the County
Home known as Montevue; (3) thence with a straight line
southerly to stone No. 4 standing on the south side of the
Shookstown Road, said stone No. 4 being 1. 0 foot north of
the south fence line of said road and 200. 0 feet west of the
center line of the public road known as Baughman's Lane;
(4) thence with a straight line southerly to stone No. 5
standing at the southwest corner of Lot No. 7, Block J, a
subdivision known as "Linden Hills" and developed by Dr.
J. M. Goodman; (5) thence with a straight line southeaster-
ly to stone No. 6 standing in the extreme western corner of
Lot No. 1, Block D, a subdivision known as "South Catoctin
Park" lying on the east side of South Jefferson Street and
developed by G. L. Thomas; (6) thence with a straight line
southeasterly to stone No. 7 standing 2. 50 feet east of the
west boundary line of Mount Olivet Cemetery, said stone
No. 7 also being 131. 5 feet south of the center line of the
east-west driveway dividing burial Sections LL-MM in Mount
Olivet Cemetery; (7) thence across said Cemetery with a
straight line easterly to stone No. 8 on the east side of South
Market Street, extended, opposite the dividing fence between
the properties of the Loats Orphanage Farm and R. R. Lewis
Jr., said stone No. 8 also being 1525. 0 feet north of the north
side of the stone dwelling owned by Ransom R. Lewis, Jr.,
as measured along the center line of said South Market
Street, extended; (8) thence with a straight line easterly
along said dividing fence between the Loats Orphanage Farm
and the R. R. Lewis, Jr., farm and the eastern prolongation
of same, to stone No. 9 on the north side of East South
Street extended and near the main entrance drive to the
M. J. Grove Lime Company plant, said stone No. 9 being
14. 45 feet south of the center line of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad main track leading to Frederick and 339. 5 feet west
of the center line of the north-south County Road leading


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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1563   View pdf image (33K)
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