be composed of five members, elected at large, to be known as
Councilmen in the manner provided for in this Act.
(B) That all acts and things done in behalf of said town
shall be in the name of the Town of Morningside, and that all
property purchased or otherwise acquired by said town shall
be purchased, acquired and held in the name of the Town of
(C) The Councilman receiving the largest number of votes
shall be known as the Mayor of Morningside, and shall act as
Chairman of the Council. The Council of Morningside, by
resolution, shall choose one of its members as Secretary of the
Council who shall be known as the Council Secretary.
(D) That, subject to the provisions of this Act, such Coun-
cil may regulate the conduct of its business and meetings and
the government of said town, and a majority of the Council-
men shall constitute a quorum.
(E) That the Secretary of Council shall have charge of the
town seal and all property, records, books, papers and other
things of said town. Said Secretary of Council shall, within
the limits of said town, have the same power and authority to
administer oaths of office to the Mayor and other town officers,
as is possessed by a Justice of the Peace and a Notary Public.
Any person who swears falsely before said Secretary of Coun-
cil shall be guilty of the crime of perjury and shall be subject
to the penalties provided by the laws of the State of Maryland.
(F) That all contracts made by said Council on behalf of
said town shall be made in the name of the Town of Morning-
side, and shall be signed by the Mayor of Morningside, and
shall be attested by the Secretary of Council who shall seal
the same with the town seal. No Councilman and no other
town official shall be, directly or indirectly, personally finan-
cially interested in any contract awarded or entered into by
said Council on behalf of said town.
(G) That no member of said Council shall receive out of
town funds or property any salary for his services as such
member of said Council.
(H) That said Council shall have no power to appoint any
person to any official position or office in said town to which
is attached any salary payable out of town funds or property
except in the case of the Town Treasurer or as otherwise pro-
vided in this Act.
(I) That said Council shall by resolution appoint a Treas-
urer to be known as the Treasurer of Morningside, who shall