ments, Chapter 64 of the Acts of the Extraordinary Ses-
sion of 1933, etc, " changing the internal organization of
the corporation known as the "Washington County Hos-
pital Association. ''
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Chapter 45 of the Acts of the Extraordinary Session
of 1936, entitled "An Act to repeal and re-enact, with
amendments, Chapter 64 of the Acts of the Extraordinary
Session of 1933, etc. " be and it is hereby repealed and re-
enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
1. Stanley P. F. Kline, Harry Newcomer, W. Geary
Porter, L. Vinton Hershey, R. Paul Smith, Hubert H.
Schindel, George W. Updegraff, John M. Baer and Omer T.
Kaylor, the President of the Board of County Commission-
ers of Washington County and the Mayor of the City of
Hagerstown, and their successors as hereinafter provided
for, are hereby created a body corporate with perpetual
succession under the name of "The Washington County
Hospital Association, " and by that name may and shall
have succession and shall be in law capable of suing and
being sued, pleading and being impleaded, defending and
being defended in all courts and places wheresoever, in all
manner of actions, suits, matters, complaints and causes,
and may have and use a common seal and change and alter
the same and shall be capable of acquiring, purchasing and
taking by gift, grant, devise, or bequest or otherwise, in
trust or in perpetuity, and of holding real and personal
estate and property for the uses and purposes of the said
corporation, and to sell, dispose of, invest and reinvest any
and all property so received by them as in their judgment
may best serve the interest and welfare of the said hospital.
2. The objects of the said corporation are to establish
and maintain in the City of Hagerstown, in the County of
Washington, in the State of Maryland, a hospital at which
shall be received persons requiring medical and surgical
advice, aid and treatment, and where medicine may be
provided and dispensed for their benefit, where they may
receive all the necessary care and suitable medical and
surgical treatment.
3. The affairs of said corporation shall be conducted by
a board of trustees, to consist of not exceeding fourteen
persons, one of whom shall be the President of the Board of
County Commissioners of Washington County and another
of whom shall be the Mayor of the City of Hagerstown.
None of the trustees shall directly or indirectly receive any