School ground; thence along the same, (10) K 233/4° E. ?
328. 5 feet to the beginning.
SEC. 2. And be It further enacted. That before the pro-
visions of this Act shall become effective or be held to apply
in the Town of Libertytown in Frederick County, the ques-
tion shall be submitted to the qualified voters of said town
who shall be construed to be those persons over 21 years of
age who have resided within the limits of said town for one
year or longer. Such referendum vote shall be held on Tues-
day, June 28, 1949. The Board of Elections for such referen-
dum shall be Eugene S. Hammond, Mrs. Oscar Joy, Paul E.
Stitely and Duvall W. Sweadner, or a majority of them, and
if any of them shall be unwilling to serve, the Board of Super-
visors of Elections shall name substitutes. Said Board shall
have the ballots or the voting machines as the case may be so
prepared as to have printed upon them a condensed summary
of this Act. Printed on the said ballots or voting machines
shall be the words "For Incorporation" and "Against Incor-
poration" with suitable provision to be made so that each
qualified voter may indicate his choice on this question. If a
majority of the persons voting on said question shall vote
"For Incorporation", then this Act shall be immediately of
full force and effect within the Town of Libertytown and said
town shall be considered as a municipal corporation. If a
majority of the persons voting on said questions shall vote
"Against Incorporation", then this Act shall be void and of
no effect within the limits of the Town of Libertytown.
At the same special election, the qualified voters of said
town shall proceed to elected a mayor and three aldermen.
The Board of Elections upon application from any person
who has been a resident of the town for one year or more
shall register that person as a candidate for either Mayor or
Alderman as the case may be. All persons who have regis-
tered their intention of being such candidates seven days or
more prior to the said special election shall have their names
printed on the official ballots or on the voting machines as
the case may be. Qualified voters of the town may vote for
candidates for Mayor and Alderman regardless of how they
voted on the question of incorporating the Town of Liberty-
town. They may also vote for write-in candidates. If a
majority of the qualified voters voting on the question of in-
corporating the Town of Libertytown shall have voted in
favor of such incorporation, the said Board of Elections shall
proceed to canvass the votes cast for Mayor and Aldermen.
They shall declare that person receiving the highest number
of votes for Mayor to have been elected to such office and
those three persons receiving the highest number of votes