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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1325   View pdf image (33K)
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(c) Inspection of Books. The books and accounts and
records of the Secretary and Treasurer and all papers relat-
ing to the accounts and transactions of the Town shall be at
all times subject to the inspection of the Mayor and the
members of the Board of Aldermen and such other persons
as may be appointed by the Board of Aldermen to examine
the same.

(d) Surrender of Books. The books, accounts and records
of the Secretary and Treasurer, together with any balance of
monies on hand, shall be transferred by him to his successor
or delivered up as the Board of Aldermen may at any time

(e) Statements. At each meeting of the Board of Alder-
men, the Secretary and Treasurer shall submit to the Board
a statement of collections and disbursements, together with
vouchers sustaining all disbursements, made since the prev-
ious meeting. He shall pay out money belonging to the
Town only as directed by order of the Board of Aldermen.

(f) Collection of Taxes. The Secretary and Treasurer
shall collect all taxes due to the municipality and if so
directed by the Board of Aldermen, shall certify to the
County Treasurer all unpaid taxes for collection by him
or shall bring suit before a Trial Magistrate in the name
of the municipality to secure judgment against the owners
of property upon which taxes are due and unpaid.

(g) Eligibility. The Secretary and Treasurer must be a
qualified voter in the Town of which he is such an officer
and he must reside therein.

(h) Salary, Bond. He shall be paid a salary as fixed by
the Board of Aldermen,, payable monthly. Before entering
upon the duties of his office, he shall execute a bond with
surety, corporate or individual, in the penalty of whatever
sum shall be set by the Board of Aldermen, but in no case
less than $1, 000. 00, to be approved by the Board. Said bond
shall be paid for by the Town if corporate surety is secured
and shall be conditioned for the proper collection of and an
accounting for all monies which shall come into his hands or
which it shall be his duty to collect, and for the payment of
all monies by him, on proper order of the Board, to those
entitled to the same.

(i) Election Board. The Mayor shall appoint an Election
Board to consist of three persons. They shall hold office for
terms of two years and may be dismissed before the end of
their term only for cause and after a public hearing. They


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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1325   View pdf image (33K)
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