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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1324   View pdf image (33K)
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7. (Appointive Officials) (a) Secretary and Treasurer.
The Mayor shall appoint and may dismiss a Secretary and
Treasurer. It shall be the duty of this officer to attend the
meetings of the Board of Aldermen and keep a journal or
minute book in which he shall keep a complete and accurate
record of the proceedings of the Board. He shall have charge
of and preserve the records of the Town and properly and
accurately file and index the same. He shall issue all licenses
and permits as directed by the Mayor and authorized by the
Board of Aldermen. He shall be the custodian of the seal
of the Town and shall affix it to any papers to which he may
be so required. He shall be the official assessor of the corpo-
ration, with like powers and duties as the Supervisor of
Assessments and the Assessors appointed under State Law,
his powers and duties being limited to the corporation limits
and by Public General Law. He shall make and preserve a
book or books in which the real estate and personal property
of the Town is assessed for taxation. The assessment of real
and personal property for the purpose of taxation shall be
the same as the assessment thereof for the purpose of state
and county taxation, but the Secretary and Treasurer shall
diligently inquire whether or not there is any property in
the Town, real or personal, which does not appear on the
county assessment books, and if so, he shall immediately
report his findings to the Board of Aldermen in writing,
mailing a copy thereof to the owner of such property and
to the Supervisor of Assessments for the County.

(b) Receipts and Accounts. The Secretary and Treasurer
shall receive all taxes, license fees, and all other revenues
and monies belonging to the Town from whatever source the
same shall be paid. It shall be his duty to collect all monies
due to the Town as promptly as possible after such monies
are due and payable. Any monies due and unpaid for a
period of more than six (6) months, shall be reported in
writing to the Board of Aldermen at every meeting until
said monies are paid. He shall so keep his books and ac-
counts that all receipts and disbursements and the source
and character of the same may appear. They shall show all
accounts and statements necessary to a true and accurate
understanding of the financial affairs of the Town. He shall
keep all of his books and records in such form as may be re-
quired by any State Law providing for a uniform method
of accounting, and in order to enable him to promptly and
accurately furnish all information and reports as required
or requested by any State Department authorized to request
the same.


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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1324   View pdf image (33K)
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