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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1323   View pdf image (33K)
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notify the candidate nominated thereby whether or not the
petition is found to be signed by the required number of
qualified voters. If found insufficient, the petition shall im-
mediately be returned to the candidate along with the f 5. 00
deposit with a statement certifying wherein the petition is
found insufficient. A new petition may be filed for the same
candidate within the regular time for filing petitions.

Additional methods of making nominations for the Town
elections may be prescribed by ordinance duly enacted by
the Board of Aldermen.

(e) Ballots. The names of candidates as they appear on
their respective nomination petitions shall be printed on the
official ballots in the alphabetical order of the surnames in
rotation, with candidates for mayor being listed in one
group and candidates for Aldermen being listed in another
group. The Ballots cast at each election shall be preserved
by the Election Board until the terms of the officers elected
thereby have expired. Ballots and ballot boxes shall, except
as herein otherwise provided, be governed by the regula-
tions in Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Maryland.

(f) Counting, challenging, watching. Every regularly
nominated candidate shall have the right to be present dur-
ing the counting of ballots at any voting place. He may
designate or appoint in writing such watchers and chal-
lengers as are provided for in Article 33 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland. The person receiving the highest num-
ber of votes for mayor shall be declared elected and the per-
sons receiving the highest numbers of votes for aldermen
shall be declared elected to the vacancies to be filled on the
Board. In case of tie vote for any office, a special election
shall be held on the third day following the official deter
mination that the regular election has resulted in a tie.

6. (Vacancies in Offices. ) (a) If the office of Mayor is
vacated for any reason, the President of the Board of Alder-
men shall become Mayor and shall act as such until the next
regular election of the town. In such case, the President of
the Board shall vacate his position and office as Alderman
and the remaining members of the Board shall elect an Alder-
man to take the place of the President as a member of the
Board until the next regular municipal election.

(b) All vacancies on the Board of Aldermen shall be filled
by persons selected by the remaining members of the Board
until the next regular municipal election when all vacancies
shall be filled by election of the voters.


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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1323   View pdf image (33K)
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