(b) Veto Power. The Mayor may attend all meetings of
the Board of Aldermen, except executive sessions thereof,
and take part in all discussions, but he shall have no vote.
He shall approve or disapprove every order, resolution or
ordinance passed by the Board of Aldermen and every order,
resolution or ordinance shall be submitted to him by it im-
mediately after its passage, and within ten days after date
of its receipt, he shall act on the same, and if he fails to act
on it within ten days after its receipt, the Secretary and
Treasurer shall endorse this fact on the order, resolution
or ordinance and it shall become operative and effectual; but
if the Mayor shall veto any order, resolution or ordinance,
he shall notify the Secretary and Treasurer of the fact and
transmit his reason, in writing, to the Board of Aldermen
at their next meeting, and such order, resolution or ordi-
nance shall be null and void unless passed over his veto by
the affirmative vote of 2/3 of the members of the Board.
(c) Eligibility. No person shall be eligible as Mayor un-
less he shall be 25 years of age, a qualified voter in the
corporation and a bona fide owner, individually or as one
of two tenants by the entireties, of real or personal property
assessed on the tax books of the corporation for at least $500
and for which municipal taxes have been paid at the time
of his election.
(d) Term, Salary and Qualification. The Mayor shall be
paid a salary as set by ordinance, payable monthly. He shall
serve for a term of two years, or until his successor has been
duly elected and qualified. His term shall begin on the Mon-
day following the regular election and he shall, before enter-
ing upon the duties of his office, take the following oath be-
fore the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County or before
one of his sworn deputies: "I solemnly swear (or affirm)
that I will faithfully execute the office of MAYOR of the
Town of Libertytown to the best of my knowledge and ability,
without favor, affection or partiality".
5. (Nominations and Elections) (a) Electors. All per-
sons above the age of twenty-one years who shall have re-
sided within the corporate limits of the town for twelve
months or more next preceding a town election shall be
qualified voters of the town, but if a municipal ordinance
requires registration of voters, such persons shall not be
eligible to vote unless registered as so provided.
(b) Elections. The regular election for Mayor and Alder-
men shall be held on the last Tuesday in June of every odd
numbered year, beginning in the year 1951.