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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1320   View pdf image (33K)
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or vote, except that a vote to adjourn or regarding the attend-
ance of absent members may be adopted by a majority of the
members present.

(g) Legislative Procedure. Ordinances and resolutions
shall be introduced in the Board only in written or printed
form. All ordinances except those making appropriations
and those codifying or re-arranging existing ordinances or
enacting a code of ordinances, shall be confined to one subject
and the subject of all ordinances shall be clearly expressed in
the title. Ordinances making appropriations shall be confined
to that subject. The final reading of each ordinance shall be
in full unless a written or printed copy thereof shall have been
furnished to each member of the board prior to such reading.
The yeas and nays shall be taken upon the passage of all ordi-
nances and resolutions and entered upon the journal of the
proceedings of the. Board. The enacting clause of all ordi-
nances shall be "Be it ordained by the Town of Libertytown".

(h) Ordinances shall take effect at the time indicated
therein and if no time be specified, then 30 days after their
adoption. Upon its final passage, each ordinance or resolu-
tion shall be authenticated by the signature of the Mayor
and the Secretary and Treasurer and shall be recorded in a
book kept for that purpose. Within thirty days after final
passage, each ordinance and resolution shall be published at
least once in such manner as the Board may prescribe by ordi-
nance and a copy thereof shall be filed with the Clerk of the
Circuit Court for the County who shall keep the same in a
book or file entitled or labeled "Ordinances of the Town of
Libertytown". The Clerk to the County Commissioners shall
annually receive ten dollars (f 10. 00) for costs in so recording

4. (The Mayor) (a) Powers and Responsibilities. The
chief executive of the corporation shall be known as the
Mayor of the Town. It shall be his duty to act as chief con-
servator of the peace within the town, and for that purpose
he shall have a power of arrest; to supervise the administra-
tion of the affairs of the Town; to see that the ordinances
of the town and the laws of the County and State are en-
forced therein; to make such recommendations to the Board
of Aldermen as may seem to him desirable; to keep the
Board advised of the financial condition and future needs
of the Town; to prepare and submit to the Board such re-
ports as may be required by it; and to perform such other
duties as may be prescribed by this section or required of
him by ordinance or resolution of the Board not inconsistent
with this section.


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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1320   View pdf image (33K)
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