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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1315   View pdf image (33K)
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thorize the removal or confinement of persons having in-
fectious or contagious diseases; to require persons infected
with venereal disease to submit to treatment for the same
and to furnish such treatments for infected persons; to pre-
vent and remove nuisances; to prevent the introduction of
contagious disease into the municipality; to regulate the
places of manufacturing soap, fertilizer and other noxious
things; to regulate slaughter houses, packing houses, junk
yards, and all places where live stock may be kept and places
where offensive trades may be carried on; to regulate places
which cause or may cause unsanitary conditions or condi-
tions detrimental to health. Provided, that nothing herein
shall be construed to affect in any manner any of the power
and duties of the State Board of Health or County Board
of Health, or any public general or public local law relating
to the subject of health.

(21) Inspection. To authorize and require the inspection
of gas pipes, water pipes, plumbing apparatus, electric lines
and wires, and drainage and sewage systems on private
property, and to compel repairs thereon.

(22) Jails. To establish, maintain and operate a muni-
cipal lock-up or jail for the detention of municipal offenders.

(23) Licenses. To license and regulate the operation with-
in said municipality of beggars, street vendors, carnivals,
circuses, rodeos, cleaning and/or dyeing and/or pressing
businesses, construction firms, garages, hawkers and pedlers,
tourist homes, cabins and camps, trailer camps, dance halls,
coal dealers and haulers, fortune tellers, palmists, astrolo-
gists, traveling persons who dispense medicine or medical
advice and/or secret or patented inventions and remedies,
taxicabs, street railways, hackney carriages, pest extermina-
tors, traveling magazine salesmen and traveling representa-
tives of correspondence schools, and Section 8A of Article 56
as enacted by Chapter 963 of the Acts of 1943 shall be and
it hereby is repealed in so far as the same shall be found
inconsistent with this sub-section.

(24) Liens. To provide that any valid charges, taxes or
assessments made against any real property within the muni-
cipality shall be liens upon such property to be collected in
the same manner as municipal taxes are collected.

(25) Markets. To establish and regulate markets and to
license the sale of marketable commodities therein.

(26) Parks. To establish and maintain such parks, gardens,
playground and recreation facilities as in their discretion are


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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1315   View pdf image (33K)
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