lars ($750, 000. 00); provided, that if said bonds shall be
issued, they shall be sold in accordance with the provi-
sions of Article 31, Sections 34 to 36 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland, as amended, on such terms as the said
Board of County Commissioners may determine, provided
that none of said bonds shall be sold at less than par and
accrued interest, and the County Commissioner shall have
the right to reject any or all bids. Said bonds shall be
signed by the President of the Board of County Commis-
sioners of Caroline County and shall be countersigned by
the Treasurer of said County, and the corporate seal of the
County shall be affixed thereto; the interest coupons on said
bonds shall be authenticated by the facsimile signature of
the President of said Board of County Commissioners,
printed, engraved, or lithographed thereon. In case such
bonds, or any of them, shall be issued in any year after
the making of the annual tax levy for the year by the Board
of County Commissioners, then said Board is authorized
and directed to pay any or all interest falling due before
the next tax levy out of any other funds at its disposal and
to include in the next levy the amount necessary to reim-
burse such other funds. Should any of the persons desig-
nated to sign said bonds be unable for any reason to do so,
the Board of County Commissioners shall by resolution
authorize the execution thereof by some other member or
officer of said Board, and such execution shall be valid and
sufficient for all purposes as if the bonds had been executed
by the person or persons originally designated herein.
Should any person signing said bonds die or become in-
capacitated, or should he cease to be an officer or a member
of the Board, before the delivery of the bonds, such signa-
ture shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all pur-
poses and shall be equally effective to bind the Board of
County Commissioners of Caroline County as if delivery
had been made before such death, incapacity, or expiration,
or other termination of the term of office. All bonds is-
sued under this Act and the interest thereon shall be for-
ever exempt from State, County, and Municipal taxation in
the State of Maryland.
SECTION 4. And be it further enacted, That for the pur-
pose of paying the principal and interest on said bonds or
other certificates of indebtedness authorized under this Act,
as they respectively mature and become payable, the Board
of County Commissioners of Caroline County shall levy
annually on all the assessable property in Caroline County
a tax sufficient in rate and amount to pay the bonds and
other debt maturing during such year in accordance with