the provisions thereof and to pay interest on all of the
bonds and other debt authorized by this Act, which may
be outstanding in such year, and the proceeds of such levy,
when collected, shall be used for the purpose and for no
other purpose than that for which such levy was made.
Said taxes shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized
by law and shall not be subject to any limitations now
existing or hereafter imposed upon the taxing power of
the Board of County Commissioners of Caroline County,
and any law conflicting with the provisions of this Act
is hereby repealed, for the purposes of this Act to the
extent of such inconsistency.
SECTION 5. And be it further enacted, That the proceeds
from the sale of said bonds, or other certificates of indebt-
edness authorized by this Act, except as in this Act other-
wise provided, shall be used exclusively for the specific
purposes for which same have been issued, and for no
other purposes whatsoever, except that all expenses in-
curred in the sale and delivery of the bonds shall be pay-
able from said funds.
SECTION 6. And be it further enacted, That the proceeds
from the sale of said bonds and all funds received by par-
ticipating in the "General Public School Construction Loan
of 1949" or other funds received from the State or Federal
Government shall be paid to the County Treasurer and
shall be set apart by him in an account or accounts
to the credit of the "Public School Funds of Caroline
County of 1949", and shall be disbursed by him only
for the purposes herein authorized, and upon the joint
order of the Board of County Commissioners of Caroline
County and the Board of Education of Caroline County,
provided that any accrued interest received from the sale
of said bonds shall be applied to the payment of the first
maturing interest on said bonds.
SECTION 7. And be it further enacted, That the Board
of Education of Caroline County, with the joint approval
of the Board of County Commissioners of Caroline County,
is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into all con-
tracts (including architects, contractors and builders,
equipment dealers, or others) necessary in the execution
and completion of the projects for which said bonds are
sold, or other certificates of indebtedness issued and to
do all acts or things necessary to carry out the powers
conferred by this section from time to time.