312Z. (a) Benefits and damages to private property
as a result of the exercise of powers conferred in Section
312Y (e) shall be determined and assessed by three dis-
interested persons, residents of said town, to be appointed
by said Commissioners, who shall within a reasonable
time after the notification of their appointment take an
oath before a justice of the peace or notary public for
Caroline County that they will faithfully, fairly and with-
out partiality or prejudice, value or assess in money the
loss and damage to be suffered and incurred, as well as
benefits to be received by any person interested in the prop-
erty over, through and near said street, lane, alley, sewer
or drain to be opened, closed, extended, widened or im-
proved. They shall then make such valuation, return the
same in writing, under their hands and seals, together with
a certificate of a justice of the peace or notary public that
they have taken the oath provided in this section as afore-
said to the said Commissioners.
(b) The said valuation and assessment shall be ratified
or rejected by the said Commissioners, as they in their
judgment may deem proper; and if any person shall feel
aggrieved by the determination of the said Commissioners
in ratifying or rejecting said award or return, or in the
amount of compensation awarded, benefits assessed or in
any manner relating to the same, he may appeal within
sixty days after said ratification to the Circuit Court for
Caroline County, and either party shall be entitled to a
trial by a jury, and the judgment of said court shall be
final; provided, that the person taking such appeal shall,
within ten days, file notice of appeal with said Commis-
sioners in writing, and in twenty days thereafter cause to
be delivered to the clerk of the Circuit Court aforesaid a
copy of said award filed with said Commissioners, together
with a copy of the order of the said Commissioners ratify-
ing or rejecting the same, and all other papers relating
Said Commissioners may, at their option, use the powers
and modes of condemnation provided by other laws of the
State for the taking of private property under the power
of eminent domain.
312AA. The Commissioners of Henderson shall have
the power to pass ordinances and make by-laws providing
for the rates, rents and charges for the use and service of
sewerage, drainage and water supply systems, which rates,
rents and charges are hereby declared to be and made^ liens
upon property used or served by such sewerage, drainage
or water supply systems until paid, and the same shall be