312X. All books, papers and documents belonging to
the office of the bailiff, or of any other officer of said town,
shall be the property of the said corporation, and at all
times subject to examination by the Commissioners or any
of them.
312Y. The said Commissioners may pass such by-laws
and ordinances as they shall deem necessary for the good
government of said town and the inhabitants thereof; and
for (a) the maintaining of a jail or lock-up for the tem-
porary detention, when necessary, of persons who would
be by law liable to detention in the county jail; also for the
prevention, removal or abatement of nuisance; to prevent
swine, geese, animals, stock and poultry of every kind
from going at large; for controlling the erection and loca-
tion of buildings, fences, stock enclosures, and for pro-
hibiting and controlling the use of powder, firearms, fire-
crackers and other explosives; (b) for the controlling of
the repairs of any buildings when repaired to the extent of
new roof or weather-boarding; for the protection of public
property and sidewalks and streets and to regulate the use
of the same, including the rate of speed over them, and to
protect shade or ornamental trees from injury or obstruc-
tions; for the paving of sidewalks, and assessing and tax-
ing the expense thereof in whole or in part upon the re-
spective owners of the property fronting thereon; ((c) for,
the regulating of the running of traction engines through
said town and prescribing the kind of fuel to be used there-
in; for the laying of sewers or other drains and to regulate
the use thereof, and to enter into contracts with property
owners for the -use thereof for a term of one or more years,
and to provide in said contract for the collection of any
rents or other sums of money charged by said Commis-
sioners for the use thereof, which rents or other charges
shall be a lien upon the property connected with said sewer,
and shall be collected by the bailiff as taxes levied by said
Commissioners are collected; (d) for license, or tax on
public exhibitions or amusements of all kinds, billiards,
pool or bagatelle tables and ten-pin alleys, and for the
collection of the same; for a tax on persons for every dog
kept by them, and to cause any dog to be killed; for tax on
telephone, telegraph and electric light poles; for the pro-
motion of the morality, health, convenience and safety of
the inhabitants of said town; (e) for the opening, widen-
ing, extending, repairing, improving and closing up of
streets, lanes or alleys, or for the laying of any sewers or
opening of any drains over private property.