312N. All officers designated by the said Commissioners
shall be selected from among the citizens of said town
qualified to vote for Commissioners, and shall before en-
tering upon their duties make oath before said Commis-
sioners, or any one of them, or before a justice of the peace
or notary public for Caroline County, that he will well and
faithfully perform the duties of his office as now prescribed
or as may hereafter be prescribed by law or ordinance, to
the best of his skill and judgment.
312-0. The Treasurer shall, within thirty days from
the date of his designation, and before entering upon the
duties of his office, give bond to the State of Maryland,
with surety or sureties, to be approved by said Commis-
sioners in the penalty of Five Hundred Dollars, or in such
penalty over that amount not exceeding One Thousand
Dollars, as the Commissioners shall prescribe, conditioned
that he will well and faithfully account for all moneys paid
over to him by the bailiff of said corporation, or received
by him for the use of said corporation, and shall well and
truly pay over to his successors in office, or to the order of
said Commissioners, signed by the president, all said
moneys, and shall perform all other duties of his office
according to law and the ordinances of said Commission-
ers; he shall keep full and correct account of all moneys
received by him, with the sources from which the same
were received, and the dates of such receipts and of the
disbursements made by him as aforesaid, with the dates
thereof, and the persons to whom and on what account the
same were made, and for what purpose.
312P. All real property in the town of Henderson shall
be assessed for all town taxes or assessments at the same
value as said property is assessed for state and county
312Q. The taxes to be levied on the property so made
liable to be valued and assessed shall be a lien on the real
estate of the person so indebted from the day on which
the levy is made by said Commissioners.
312R. The said Commissioners may annually levy upon
real property (and only on real property) within said town
by a direct tax, not exceeding Fifty Cents ($. 50) on the
One Hundred Dollars valuation thereof, for the purpose of
defraying and settling the expenses likely to be incurred
by them on behalf of said corporation; and they may apply
and appropriate the funds arising from such tax, as well
as all other funds and moneys belonging to said corpora-