312-1. If any vacancy shall occur by death, resignation
or removal from the town, of one or more of the Commis-
sioners or failure of a Commissioner to qualify and act,
within thirty days after his election, the remaining Com-
missioners or a majority of them shall elect a proper person
to fill the vacancy, provided, that no person shall be elected
by said Commissioners to fill such vacancy unless such per-
son has the qualifications necessary for Commissioners
elected by the qualified voters of said town, as provided
in Section 3 of this sub-title.
312J. Every Commissioner, before he shall proceed to
act as such, shall make and subscribe an oath before some
justice of the peace or notary public for Caroline County
that he will diligently and faithfully, according to the best
of his skill and judgment, perform the duties of Commis-
sioner of Henderson without favor, partiality or prejudice,
and a certificate of compliance with this section shall be
delivered by the said justice of the peace or notary public
to the Commissioners to be filed and recorded among their
312K. The Commissioners shall meet at such place, as
they, or a majority of them, may appoint within said town
meetings shall be held on the first Monday in the month
following their election and monthly thereafter and they
may hold such additional meetings as they, or a majority
of them, shall deem necessary.
312-L. The said Commissioners shall elect a president
of their board designate a secretary-treasurer, (or a secre-
tary and a treasurer), bailiff, and such number of under-
bailiffs at any time as they may deem necessary to properly
preserve the peace and good order of said town, and they
may at any time appoint such other officer or employees
as they may deem necessary for the interest of said town.
The Commissioners shall select some member of the Bar of
Caroline County to act as legal adviser and attorney for
said Commissioners who shall be designated Town Attor-
ney and receive such compensation as the Commissioners
may determine.
312M. The president of said Board of Commissioners
shall preside at all meetings 'unless prevented by sickness
or reasonable cause, and in his absence the remaining
Commissioners may select a president pro tempore; he
shall sign all by-laws and ordinances of said Board of
Commissioners, and shall countersign all orders, drafts
and checks drawn by the secretary or treasurer under the
direction of said Commissioners.