tion, in their discretion, in paying the cost and expenses
of opening, closing, extending, widening, paving and im-
proving the streets, alleys and grounds; for providing
street lamps and lighting the same; for fire machinery
and apparatus; for the removal of garbage, obstructions
and nuisances; for settling pumps and wells for drainage;
for the building or laying of sewers; for restricting the
spread of contagious diseases; for the payment to their
officers or employees a reasonable compensation, and for
such other purposes as in their judgment will benefit and
subserve the public interest.
312S. The Commissioners of Henderson shall have the
right to levy an additional annual tax on real property
within the town limits for a public sewer or drainage sys-
tem, not to exceed ten cents on the hundred dollars valua-
tion of the same.
312T. As soon after the expiration of the time for
hearing appeals as is practicable, the said Commissioners
shall proceed to ascertain the amount necessary to be levied
for the use of said corporation and the rate of taxation;
and shall cause to be made and delivered to the bailiff a
book containing an alphabetical list of the taxpayers in
said town, together with the aggregate assessment of each,
and the rate of taxation, and the amount of taxes due and
owing from each taxpayer under said levy and assessment.
312U. The bailiff designated by said Commissioners
shall, before entering upon the duties of his office execute
to the State of Maryland a bond with surety or sureties,
to be approved by said Commissioners, in the penal sum
of Five Hundred Dollars, or in such penalty over that
amount, not exceeding One Thousand Dollars, as said Com-
missioners may prescribe, conditioned that he shall well
and faithfully perform the duties of said office in all things,
appertaining thereto according to law and the ordinances
of said Commissioners, and shall well and truly collect and
pay over to the said Treasurer of said corporation all taxes
levied by said Commissioners, and all other sums of money
that may be received by him for the use of said corpora-
tion; and his bond aforesaid shall be recorded in the office
of the clerk of the Circuit Court for Caroline County, and a
certified copy 'under the hand of said clerk and seal of said
court shall be received and taken as evidence in any of the
courts of this State or by any justice of the peace.
312V. (a) On the first day of December in each year
taxes shall be deemed to be in arrears, and interest shall