herewith set forth for performing the duties required of
them by their respective Public Local Laws and by the
Public General Laws of the State, and such expenses as
are now provided by law and by the current practice in the
several Counties, the said salaries and expenses to be paid
by the respective counties in equal monthly installments
unless otherwise specified:
(b) The State's Attorney of Worcester County shall
receive an annual salary of $1, 500.
(c) The State's Attorneys of Calvert, Charles and How-
ard Counties shall each receive an annual salary of $2, 000.
(d) The State's Attorneys of Caroline, Garrett, Kent,
Queen Anne's and Somerset Counties shall each receive an
annual salary of $2, 400.
(e) The State's Attorney of Washington County shall
receive an annual salary of $2, 500.
(f) The State's Attorney of Harford, St. Mary's, Tal-
bot and Wicomico Counties shall each receive an annual
salary of $3, 000.
(g) The State's Attorneys of Carroll, Dorchester and
Frederick Counties shall each receive an annual salary of
$3, 600.
(g-a) The State's Attorney of Cecil County shall receive
an annual salary of $4, 000.
(h) The State's Attorney of Allegany County shall re-
ceive an annual salary of not less than $4, 000. nor more
than $4, 800. in the discretion of the County Commissioners
of said county. The Assistant State's Attorney of Alle-
gany County shall receive an annual salary of $3, 000.
(i) The State's Attorneys of Anne Arundel and Prince
George's Counties shall each receive an annual salary of
$5, 000. In Prince George's County there shall be one
Assistant State's Attorney at an annual salary of $2, 000.
(j) "The State's Attorney of Montgomery County shall
receive an annual salary of $7, 500. The Assistant State's
Attorney shall be appointed by the State's Attorney and
shall receive a salary as set by the County Council of
Montgomery County. The salary of the State's Attorney
shall include his services before or on behalf of Justices
of the Peace ox Trial Magistrates of said County in pre-
liminary hearings or trials in criminal cases.
(k) In addition to the above prescribed salaries, the
State's Attorneys of the several counties shall receive