so caused as regards councilmen shall be filled from the ward
in which the vacancy occurred. The Mayor shall preside at
all meetings of the Council and shall have all the privileges
of a Councilman in debate and vote; the President of the
Council ejected as provided by this section shall, in the
absence or inability of the Mayor, preside at the sessions. The
Mayor and Town Council shall hold a regular monthly meet-
ing on the third Wednesday of each month, at eight o'clock
P. M., unless said day be a legal holiday or a quorum should
not be present and in such an event the regular meeting shall
be held on the next secular business day when a quorum can
be obtained or at such time as the Mayor may designate not
more than one week from the date that said meeting should
have been held. The regular monthly meeting shall be open
for the transaction of any and all general business that may
come before the Mayor and Town Council for action, subject
to such rules and regulations for the transaction of business
thereat as the Mayor and Town Council may determine. In
addition to the regular meetings, special meetings of the
Mayor and Town Council may at any time be convened by
the Mayor, or1 at the request of three members of that body.
Special meetings shall be confined to the business set out in
the call for such special meeting unless there be unanimous
consent of all Councilmen to the consideration of other matters
at such; special meeting. The Mayor of the Town of Landover
Hills shall be the executive officer thereof, clothed with all
the power necessary to secure the enforcement of all ordi-
nances of said town under this charter. At all meetings of
the Mayor and Town Council, the Mayor and three Council-
men, or in the absence of the Mayor, four Councilmen, present
and voting, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business, and four affirmative votes shall be necessary for the
passage of an ordinance, law or resolution at all. times. All
ordinances, resolutions, orders and appropriations shall take
effect from the date of their passage unless otherwise pro-
vided therein.
Section 8. The Mayor and Town Council may provide by
ordinance for the good government of the town, for the preser-
vation of the peace and good order therein, and for securing
to the residents of said town all rights of persons and prop-
erty to which they are by law entitled, for the surveying,
grading, paving, repairing, draining, laying out, extending,
opening, closing, straightening, or relocating any of the streets,
sidewalks or alleys in said town, and may condemn or pur-
chase the right-of-way for any street or alley which it may
determine shall be opened for the public good, the process of
condemnation to conform so far as may be, to the condemna-