duly elected and qualified, unless otherwise terminated by
operation of law. Each Councilman shall be elected by the
voters of his respective ward. On the second Wednesday in
May of each odd numbered year, regular biennial elections
shall be held for the election of a Mayor, Treasurer, and
Councilmen as their respective terms of office expire.
No person shall be eligible as Mayor, Treasurer, or Council-
man unless upon the day of election he shall have been an
actual bona fide resident of the Town of Landover Hills for a
period of at least one year prior to the day of election, and
in the case of Councilmen, resident of the ward from which
they shall be elected for at least one year prior to the day of
Neither the Mayor nor any of the Councilmen shall hold any
other office under the corporation during their respective
terms of office, neither shall they nor any other officer of the
corporation, either directly or indirectly through the medium
or agency of other persons, enter into any contract or con-
tracts with the corporation.
Section 6. The Treasurer to be elected as above provided
shall make all collections of taxes and receive all money paid
for the use and benefit of said corporation; he shall keep an
account of the receipts and disbursements of the funds of the
corporation, in a well bound book, to be provided by the said
Mayor and Town Council for that purpose, and shall render
the account to the Mayor and Town Council when required
by them, for all moneys received by him, and shall promptly
disburse on the order of the Mayor and Town Council under
such regulations as they may prescribe, all sums of moneys
so received by him. He shall receive for his services such
compensation as may be determined by the Mayor and Town
Council from time to time, not to exceed the sum1 of five hun-
dred ($500) dollars.
Section 7. The said Mayor and Councilmen elected here-
under shall meet on or before the third Wednesday in May
next succeeding their election, when they shall qualify by
taking the oath required by the provisions of this Act and
they shall proceed to organize by electing one of their number
president of the Council; they shall meet as often thereafter
as necessary for a proper discharge of their official duties;
in case of a vacancy in either of these offices by reason of
death, refusal to act, disqualification, resignation or removal
beyond the corporate limits, the Mayor and Town Council,
or a majority of them for the time being, shall elect a Mayor
or Councilman from the citizens of the town to fill said va-
cancy until his successor shall have been elected at the next
regular town election, and shall have qualified. The vacancy