36. Occupational tularemia,
brucellosis, psittacosis,
leptospirosis, rabies or
Rocky Mountain spotted
37. Selenium poisoning.
38. Tellurium poisoning.
39. Fluorine poisoning.
36. Any process or occupation
involving the use of direct
contact with animals or the
flesh or hides or body fluids
of animals suffering from
tularemia, brucellosis, psit-
tacosis, leptospirosis, rabies
or Rocky Mountain spotted
37. Any process or occupation
involving the use of or di-
rect contact with selenium
or its compounds.
38. Any process or occupation
involving the use of or di-
rect contact with tellurium
or its compounds.
39. Any process or occupation
involving the use of or di-
rect contact with fluorine
or its compounds.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1945.
Approved March 29, 1945.
(House Bill 202)
AN ACT to authorize and empower the County Commissioners
of Baltimore County to borrow at one time, or from time to
time, upon the faith and credit of said Baltimore County a
sum not to exceed a total of One Million ($1, 000, 000. 00)
Dollars by the issuance and sale of bonds therefor; provid-
ing generally for the terms of said bonds and the time arid
manner of their sale; that the proceeds thereof be used ex-
clusively for the planning, construction and permanent im-
provement of public roads, highways and bridges, and storm
water drainage in Baltimore County, and the purchase of
any land, ways, rights of way, roads, or easements necessary
therefor; providing for the payment of said bonds, principal