458 . LAWS OF MARYLAND. [CH. 464
and interest, by the levy of taxes, and specifically exempting
said bonds from all of the requirements of Sections 35 and 36
of Article 31 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1939 Edi-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the County Commissioners of Baltimore County, a
body corporate, in order to provide funds for the planning,
construction and permanent improvement of public roads,
highways and bridges, and storm water drainage in Baltimore
County, and the purchase of any land, ways, rights of way,
roads or easements necessary therefor, is hereby authorized
and empowered at one time, or from time to time, to borrow
money on the faith and credit of said County and to issue and
sell at one time, or from time to time, its bonds therefor, not to
exceed in the aggregate the sum of One Million ($1, 000, 000. 00)
Dollars. Such bonds shall be designated, "Public Road and
Bridge Bonds of Baltimore County", and shall be of such
denomination or denominations and of such type or form, of
such periods of maturity, not exceeding 30 years, and their
rate or rates of interest, not exceeding 4% per annum, all as
the County Commissioners of Baltimore County may deem ad-
visable. Said bonds shall be signed by the President of the
County Commissioners of Baltimore County and the Treas-
urer of said County, and have the corporate seal of Baltimore
County affixed thereto. The principal amount of said bonds
and every part thereof and the interest payable thereon shall
be and remain exempt from taxation by the State of Mary-
land and by the Counties and municipalities of said State.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That before proceeding
to sell any of said bonds at any time, the County Commis-
sioners of Baltimore County shall advertise once a week for
not less than two successive weeks in one newspaper published
in Baltimore County and by such other advertisement as they
shall think proper, that they will receive sealed bids for the
bonds described in said advertisement under such regulations
as the County Commissioners by their order may pass. The
advertisement shall designate the place where bids will be
received and shall set a time for doing so not later than fifteen
days after the date of the last publication of said advertise-
ment. All accrued interest between the date of said bonds and
the time of sale and delivery of and payment for said bonds
shall be adjusted with the purchasers thereof. Upon the day
mentioned in said advertisement for opening the bids, the
County Commissioners of Baltimore County shall receive such
sealed proposals for the purchase of such bonds as may be
designated in the advertisement. And on the opening in pub-
lic by the County Commissioners of such sealed proposals, as