39. Wild water fowl may be taken during the open season
with a gun only not larger than number ten gauge loaded with
shot only, fired from the shoulder, from the land and water
with the aid of dog or dogs and the use of decoys. It shall
be unlawful to hunt, pursue, or kill any wild water fowl
of any species with or by means of any automatic-loading
or hand-operated repeating shot-gun capable of holding
more than three shells, the magazine of which has not been
cut off or plugged with a one-piece metal or wooden filler
incapable of removal through the loading end thereof so
as to reduce the capacity of said gun to not more than three
shells at any one time in the magazine and chamber com-
bined, unless Federal regulations provide otherwise. It shall
be unlawful to use more than ten live decoys on any one
property at any one time. No water fowl, except crippled
birds not otherwise retrievable, shall be shot while resting on
water or land. It shall be unlawful to use any airplane, sink
box or sink boat, or floating device towed by a power boat or a
sail boat for the purpose of hunting wild water fowl there-
from; provided, however, it shall be lawful to use sneak boat
or bushwhack rig on the Susquehanna Flats and on the waters
of the Elk and Sassafras Rivers in Cecil County and on the
waters of the Potomac and Monocacy Rivers in Frederick
County and on the waters of the Potomac River in Montgomery
and Washington Counties. It shall be unlawful to use any
decoy, sneak boat or bushwhack rig (or any part thereof)
within 500 yards of any stake blind or shore blind in Harford
and Cecil Counties while gunning. Any gun which cannot be
habitually raised and fired from the shoulder and any gun
larger than number ten gauge found in the vicinity of the areas
of wild water fowl shall be confiscated by any officer of this
State and delivered to the Game Warden.
The Clerks of the Circuit Court of Frederick, Montgomery
and Washington Counties, upon the application of any resident
of Frederick, Montgomery and Washington Counties, being the
owner of any skiff or rowboat as herein allowed to be used in
hunting of wild water fowl on the waters of the Monocacy and
Potomac River in Frederick County and on the waters of the
Potomac River in Montgomery and Washington Counties, shall
issue to said applicants a license under the seal of his Court to
gun for and shoot at wild water fowl from such boat, the cost
of which shall be Five Dollars ($5. 00) for each and every boat,
and in addition to the moneys received from licenses aforesaid
the Clerk of the Court shall collect and retain in lieu of all
compensation the sum of Fifty Cents (50c) for issuing said
license. Every licensee shall be required to paint his name and
license number on some prominent part of said skiff or row
boat in large legible letters and numbers to correspond with