(Senate Bill 477)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sec-
tion 257B of Article 21 of the Code of Public Local Laws
of Maryland (1930 Edition), title 'Talbot County, "- sub-
title "Fire Companies, " as said section was amended by
Chapter 356 of the Acts of 1941, providing that Five
Hundred Dollars ($50(1. 00) be paid to the Queen Anne
Hillsboro Fire Company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 257B of Article 21 of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition), title "Talbot County, "
sub-title "Fire Companies, " as said Section was amended
by Chapter 356 of the Acts of 1941, be and it is hereby re-
pealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as
follows: ,
257B. The County Commissioners of Talbot County are
hereby authorized and directed to appropriate annually
the sum of Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars
($6, 500. 00) for the use and benefit of the organized
and incorporated fire companies of Talbot County
and to levy on the taxable basis of said County
a tax sufficient to produce said Six Thousand Five
Hundred Dollars ($6, 500. 00). The amount thus
levied and appropriated shall be used for the purchase,
improvement, maintenance and operation of fire apparatus
and fire equipment for the said fire companies and the said
Commissioners shall on or before the fifteenth day of
August each year, pay to the treasurers of the several fire
companies the following amounts:
Easton Fire Company................ $1, 850. 00
St. Michael's Fire Company.......... 1, 000. 00
Oxford Fire Company.............. 900. 00
Trappe Fire Company.............. 750. 00
Cordova Fire Company.............. 1, 000. 00
Tilghman Fire Company............ 500. 00
Queen Anne Hillsboro Fire Company.. 500. 00
No part of the above funds shall be expended for any
purpose other than for the purchase, improvement, main-
tenance and operation of fire apparatus and equipment for
said fire companies. The treasurer of each fire company
shall make an annual report to the County Commissioners
showing for what purposes the funds were expended, the
said report to be submitted within thirty (30) days after
the close of the fiscal year.