organization activities, even though no compensation 'was
received therefor.
Examination shall be competitive, free and open to all per-
sons who may be lawfully appointed to any position within the
class for which the examination is held, with such limitations
as may be specified in the rules by the Commissioner as to age,
sex, health, habits, moral character, physical condition, and
other qualifications, except as hereinafter provided, that are in
the judgment of the Commissioner prerequisite to the perform-
ance of the duties of such positions; provided, however, that
the Commissioner may, rom time to time, provide for general
rules exempting from competitive examinations, positions to be
filled by unskilled manual laborers, including positions for
road patrolmen under the State Roads Commission, and may,
if he sees fit, provide in lieu of said competitive examinations
such system or systems of registration for said laborers or
otherwise as in its judgment will best provide for such posi-
tions; and provided further as to all positions that the Com-
missioner may by his rules give preference in competition for
higher classes of positions to classified service employees or to
classified service employees of a certain class or classes by
giving credit for experience and demonstrated efficiency (not
to exceed twenty per centum of all marks) in determining the
relative fitness for promotion of such employees. Veterans of
the military and naval services of the United States who served
sometime during the war with Spain (April 6, 1898, to July 2,
190-2) or the first World War (April 6, 1917 to November 11,
1918) or the Second World War (September 16, 1940, the date
on which the Selective Service Act became effective, to the end
of the present hostilities in which the United States is en-
gaged) who have either been honorably discharged or who
have received a certificate of satisfactory completion of such
service, and who have been bona fide resident of this State
for five years or more immediately preceding the date on which
such veteran takes any Merit System examination, shall be
given special credit for such service; provided, such veterans
served a minimum of ninety days in the service of the United
States, as aforesaid, or were discharged by reason of a dis-
ability incurred in line of duty. Such Avar veterans who are
disabled as the result of their war service shall be given a
credit of ten points in all examinations for appointments.
Non-disabled veterans shall be given a credit of five points in
all examinations for appointment. All such credits shall also
be allowed in determining whether any such veteran attains a
passing mark in any such examination.
The same preferences extended disabled veterans shall be
given to the wives of such veterans as have themselves been