ratification a Constitutional amendment with the following
"On the first day of each regular session, the President
shall transmit to the Congress his estimates of the receipts
of the Government during the ensuing fiscal year under
the laws existing on such date, together with his recom-
mendations as to the purpose for which such receipts shall
be expended, and, except in time of war or during the
period ending on the date of the expiration of one full fiscal
year after the termination thereof, the Congress shall not
appropriate money for expenditure during such fiscal year
in excess of such estimated receipts, as transmitted or as
modified or revised by the President, except by a vote of
three-fifths of each House taken by yeas and nays, unless
prior to the making of such appropriation the Congress
shall have imposed such taxes, duties, imposts, or excises
as will raise additional revenues equal to the amount by
which such appropriation exceeds such estimated receipts,
or unless such appropriation be for the purpose of paying
the expenses and contingencies of the Congress or the
courts, or for the payment of claims against the Union
States, the justice of which shall have been judicially de-
clared by such tribunal as may be established by the Con-
gress for the investigation of claims against the Govern-
ment. "
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Senate, the House
of Representatives concurring, That the Maryland Legis-
lative Assembly urges the Congress of the United States
to enact Senate Joint Resolution No. 8; and
Be it further resolved, That copies of this memorial be
transmitted by the Secretary of State to the President of
the United States, to the Vice President of the United
States, and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives,
and to the Maryland members of the Senate and House of
Representatives in Congress.
Approved April 23, 1945.
NO. 19. D
(Senate Joint Resolution 19);
A Joint Resolution requesting the Board of Public Works
to allocate a certain sum of money out of the Post-War