it may require and the Governor of Maryland is hereby
authorized to make available to the Commission such
assistance to the end that it may report its conclusions as
to policy and its proposals as to legislation to the Gover-
nors and legislatures of the two states not later than Janu-
ary 1, 1946; and
Be it further resolved. That in fitting commemoration
of the one hundred and sixtieth anniversary of the signing
of the original Compact at Mount Vernon the organization
meeting of the herein established joint interstate Commis-
sion be held at Mount Vernon, Virginia, on the 28th day of
March, 1945, and that the Governors of Maryland and Vir-
ginia be invited to acclaim this occasion by proclamation
and to arrange for the proper participation of their states
in this initial meeting of the joint Commission and in any
other ceremonies marking the 160th anniversary of the
signing of the Compact of 1785 between Maryland and the
Commonwealth of Virginia.
Approved April 23, 1945.
NO. 18.
(Senate Joint Resolution 18)
A Joint Resolution of the Senate and House of Representa-
tives of the State of Maryland memorializing the Con-
gress of the United States to enact Senate Joint Resolu-
tion No. 8 establishing a procedure by which Federal
spending and Federal income would be balanced except
in specified emergencies.
WHEREAS, the Federal government debt and need for
operating funds in the post-war period will strain the fiscal
foundations of our government; and
WHEREAS, fiscal stability under these conditions demands
a Constitutional directive which would restrict and limit
expenditures to the income provided to meet and take care
of the same; and
WHEREAS, Senate Joint Resolution No. 8, introduced in
the Senate of the United States by Maryland's Senior Sena-
tor, Millard E. Tydings, January 10, 1945, proposes to
submit to the Legislatures of the several states for their