1848 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [CH. 1044
and governmental agencies of Montgomery County represented
by the members may be made available to the court and to
children coming before the court; (3) To consult with the
Magistrate in the appointment of personnel of any receiving
home in the county and to establish qualifications for said per-
sonnel; (4) To review the annual budget for the Juvenile
Court before submission to the Board of County Commissioners
for the operation of the Receiving Home and to confer with the
Magistrate and render such services as the Magistrate may re-
quire in their discretion. The members of the Juvenile Court
Advisory Committee shall serve for two year terms to run
with the term of the Magistrate. The Committee shall meet at
least four times annually.
547-1. The Magistrate shall appoint from an eligible list of
the Civil Service Commissioner of Montgomery County a Direc-
tor of Social Work at a salary and traveling expenses, desig-
nated by the Board of County Commissioners.
Under the direction of the Magistrate, the Director of Social
Work shall be in charge of all the social work of the court; and
shall, in association with other social agencies of Montgomery
County and the Juvenile Court Advisory Committee, study
sources and causes of delinquency and assist in developing and
correlating community-wide plans for the prevention and treat
ment of delinquency.
The Director of Social Work may request the Montgomery
County Welfare Board to direct and develop the investiga-
tion work of the court and shall make such reports as the
Magistrate shall direct. The Magistrate shall also appoint
from an eligible list of the Civil Service Commissioner of
Montgomery County the clerks, probation officers and stenog-
raphers necessary for the work of his office of salaries and
expenses designated by the Board of County Commissioners.
Said probation officers shall be vested with the privileges and
authority of constables and shall perform such duties and
be governed by such regulations as may be prescribed by the
Magistrate, and the Magistrate is authorized to remove such
officers for cause.
547J. Whenever any officer takes a child into custody, he
shall, unless it is impracticable or has been otherwise ordered
by the court, accept the written promise of the parent, guar-
dian, or custodian to bring the child to the court at the time
fixed. Thereupon such child may be released in the custody of
a parent, guardian, or custodian. If not so released, such child
shall be placed in the custody of a probation officer or other
person designated by the court, or taken immediately to the
court or to a place of detention provided by the court on the
advice of the Juvenile Court Advisory Committee and the Mont-