gomery County Welfare Board, and the officer taking him shall
immediately notify the court and shall file a petition when
directed to do so by the court.
In the case of any child whose custody has been assumed by
the court and pending the final disposition of the case, the child
may be released in the custody of a parent, guardian, or cus-
todian, or of a probation officer or other person appointed by
the court, to be brought before the court at the time designated.
When not released as herein provided, such child, pending the
hearing of the case, shall be detained in such place of detention
as provided above, subject to further order of the court, but no
child shall be confined in any police station, prison, jail or
lock-up, unless in a room or ward entirely separate from adults,
or be transported or detained in association with criminal,
vicious or dissolute persons.
Nothing in this sub-heading shall be construed as forbidding:
any peace officer, police officer, or probation officer from imme-
diately taking into custody any child who is found violating
any law or ordinance, or who is reasonably believed to be a
fugitive from his parents or from justice, or whose surround-
ings are such as to endanger his health, morals, or safety un-
less immediate action is taken. In every such case the officer
taking the child into custody shall immediately report the fact
to the court and the case shall then be proceeded with as pro-
vided in this sub-heading.
547K. The court shall conduct all hearings in an informal
manner, and may adjourn the hearings from time to time. In
the hearing of any case the general public shall be excluded
and only such persons as have a direct interest in the case and
their representatives admitted. All cases involving children
may be heard separately and apart from the trial of cases
against adults. The court shall hear and determine all cases of
children without a jury unless a jury be demanded by the child,
his parent, or guardian or the court.
If the court shall find that the child comes within the provi-
sions of this sub-heading, it may by order duly entered proceed
as follows:
(a) Place the child on probation or under supervision in his
own home or in the custody of a relative or other fit person,
upon such terms as the court shall determine.
(b) Commit the child in a public or licensed private institu-
tion or agency; or to the Montgomery County Welfare Board.
(c) Make such further disposition of the child as may be
provided by law and as the court may deem to be for the best
interests of the child.
Whenever a child is committed by the court to custody other
than that of its parent, the court may, after giving the parent
a reasonable opportunity to be heard, adjudge that such parent