sold, or who is guilty of indecent, immoral or lascivious con-
547G. Any adult over whom the Magistrate may have juris-
diction under Section 547E for any wilful act, or omission con-
tributing to, encouraging or tending to cause any condition
bringing a child within the jurisdiction of the court, if found
guilty of any act or omission as therein defined, shall be punish-
able by a fine not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($500. 00) or
imprisoned not exceeding two (2) years, or by both such fine
and imprisonment. Upon any such conviction, the Magistrate
shall have power to impose sentence as aforesaid, or may sus-
pend sentence and place such adult on probation and by order
impose upon such adult during such period of probation such
duty as shall be deemed to be for the best interests of the child
or other persons concerned. The Magistrate may, however, in
his discretion waive jurisdiction, and refer the case to the
State's Attorney for appropriate action.
547H. Promptly after June 1, 1945, there shall be appointed
by the County Commissioners of Montgomery County a Com-
mittee, to be known as the "Juvenile Court Advisory Com-
mittee", in Montgomery County. Such Committee shall be
composed of thirteen (13) members, who shall serve without
pay, and who shall hold membership on the Committee by virtue
of the following positions or designations: (1) The State's At-
torney of Montgomery County, (2) The Chief of Police of Mont-
gomery County, (3) The Public Health Officer, (4) The Super-
intendent of Schools, (5) The County Commissioner member
of the Montgomery County Welfare Board, (6) The Executive
Secretary of the Montgomery County Welfare Board, (7) The
Executive Secretary of the Montgomery County Social Service
League, (8) The Executive Director of the Montgomery County
Community Chest and Council, (9) the Psychologist, (10) Psy-
chiatrist of the Montgomery County Mental Hygiene Society,
(11) a member of the Clergy of the Protestant Church, (121) a
member of the Clergy of the Roman Catholic Church, and (13)
a member of the Clergy of the Jewish Church.
The duties of the Juvenile Court Advisory Committee shall be
as follows: (1) To promulgate and establish, with the consent
of the Magistrate, such policies, rules and regulations as may be
deemed advisable for improving the work of the court and care
of the children coming before the court, to recommend meas-
ures to the local authorities for prevention of delinquency, to
establish rules and regulations for the operation of any receiv-
ing house or homes in Montgomery County where children are
committed pending trial or after trial while awaiting final dis-
position of any child so committed; (2) To develop and estab-
lish plans and procedures whereby the social service agencies