pose of erecting a blind or blinds on shore or water
and shall certify that the owner of said shore has the
required distance of shore line in conformance with the
law. Such license shall not be transferable and if used or
presented by any person other than the person to whom it
was issued such license shall be confiscated by the Game
Warden or any deputy game warden, constable, or other
officer who shall find such licenses being used illegally and
the blind for which said license was issued destroyed.
The Clerks of the Circuit Court of the Counties shall on
the first day of July, 1943, and on the first day of each
and every month thereafter transmit to the State Comp-
troller all moneys received by them for such licenses. And
the amount so received by the Comptroller shall be placed
to the credit of a separate fund to be known as "The State
Game Protection Fund" and shall be disbursed by the
Comptroller from time to time on warrants signed by the
Game Warden and countersigned by a representative of
the Commission.
49. (Rights of Property Owners Bordering on Waters. )
(a) If any licensee erects a blind and same is destroyed in
any manner beyond his control, he shall have the right
within thirty (30) days from the date of the destruction
of said blind to replace or restore same without losing the
set which said blind formerly occupied.
(b) Whenever an owner of land bordering on any
waters of this State shall desire to erect a booby, brush,
or stake blind in front of his property, or other person to
whom he shall give permission, he shall not place same
within 250 yards of the dividing line of any property
owned by him and the adjoining property bordering on
said waters, unless with the consent of the adjoining land-
owner (the distance contained herein shall not apply to
the waters that are tributary of the Potomac River in
Charles County nor to the waters of Baltimore County),
same being, for the purpose of allowing each land-
owner bordering on any of the waters of the State per-
mission to avail himself of the privilege of setting, erect-
ing, or maintaining a booby, brush, or stake blind in front
of his property, provided he is the owner, lessee, or licensee
of the amount of shore frontage as required by law.
(c) The dividing line between adjoining properties for
the purpose of determining the proper location of blinds
shall be established as follows: from the point of junction
of the properties and the water line a straight line shall be
projected along the shore of each of the properties for a
distance of 200 yards. Said lines shall follow the general
contour of the shore rather than the irregularities thereof.