Battle Creek—Prison Point to Old Williams's Wharf.
Jack's Bay—South end of Long Marsh to Tower's Point.
Island Creek—From Oyster House to Webb's Point.
St. Leonard's Creek— Peterson's Point to The Bluff.
Ellen's Creek—Barrett's Point to Harry Ellis's Wharf.
Back, St. John's and Mill Creeks—Solomon's S. S. Wharf
to Ship Point.
Prince George's County:
Swanson Creek—Chalk Point to Charles County.
St. Mary's County:
Indian Creek—Island Point to Hone Point.
Trent Hall Creek—Long Point to Billiard Point.
Washington and Persimmons's Creeks—Broad Neck
Point to Great House Point,
Cuchold and Mill Creeks—Half Pone Point to Little
Town Point.
Town Creek—Spencer Island Point to Lewis Point.
47. (License for Blinds. ) A bona fide resident of this
State, or a non-resident owner of land bordering on the
Potomac River, or on any other waters, his lessee or licen-
see, may erect, set, or maintain a booby, brush, or stake
blind as provided in this sub-title after first obtaining a
license so to dp from the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the
County in which said blind is located opposite the shore
thereof, and said Clerk is authorized to issue said license
upon payment by the applicant the sum of Five Dollars
($5. 00), and in addition to the license fee so received the
Clerk issuing same shall collect and retain the sum of Fifty
Cents (50c), in lieu of all other compensation, as the
Clerk's fee. The Clerk of the Court shall not issue to any
one person license to erect, set, or maintain more than two
booby, brush, or stake blinds in or over the waters of this
State, however, the issuance of two blinds shall not apply
to co-partnerships, associations, or corporations Such
license shall be void on the thirtieth day of June
of each year following the date of issuance. Said
Clerk shall not issue a license for any blind until
July 1st of each year and shall issue license in rota-
tion as applications are received. Said applicant for said
license shall certify in writing to said Clerk when making
application for said license that he is the owner, of the
legal amount of shore front as required by law, and if a
lessee or licensee making application for license on or
before October 10 of each year he shall present to said
Clerk a written permission from the owner of the shore,
or his authorized agent, where said applicant desires a
license to erect said blind or blinds on the waters off shore
of said owner's property, for use of short front for pur-