be stationary in which shall be built a platform for the
purpose of shooting therefrom. It shall be unlawful to
erect, set, or maintain any blind at a greater distance than
300 yards from the natural shore from which same may be
erected. Said blinds shall not be less than 500 yards apart
measured in a straight line unless otherwise provided.
Except on irregular shore lines in creeks, coves, bays, and
indentations, where it is impossible to place duck blinds
500 yards apart, the State Game Warden may permit duck
blinds to be placed not less than 400 yards apart nor less
than 150 yards from the dividing line as provided in Sec-
tion 49 of said Article and may, where the circumstances
require and with such regard for the rights of adjoining
owners, designate the points with respect to distances from
the shore and distances from the dividing line between the
properties at which blinds may be placed.
(b) It shall be unlawful on any of the rivers of
this State for any person to erect, set, or maintain a blind
at a farther distance from the shore than one-half of said
river where said river is less than 600 yards in width,
nor shall any person place any blind on any of the rivers
across any channel where said channel runs near the center
of said river.
44. (Blinds in Certain Waters Prohibited. ) ' (a) No
booby, brush, or stake blind shall be licensed or erected in
the waters of Chester River and its tributaries within the
jurisdiction of Kent County except in "those waters lying
between Durding's Creek and Deep Point, or between
Wickes Beach Point on Wicliffe Farm and Graveyard
Point on Spencer Hall Farm on Eastern Neck Island and
no booby, brush, or stake blind shall be licensed or erected
in the waters of the Chesapeake Bay within the jurisdic-
tion of Kent County between the north end of Wilson's
Point on Trumpetington Farm and the mouth of the
Chester River, and no booby or stake blind shall be licensed
or erected in any creek which is a tributary of the Patux-
ent River south of a line drawn from Truman's Point in
Prince George's County due east to a point on the shore
of Calvert County.
(b) For the purpose of defining the lines of the mouths
of creeks of the Patuxent River south of Truman's Point
in Prince George's County due east to a point on the shore
of Calvert County, they are as follows:
Calvert County:
Hunting Creek—Swimming Point to Wesley Hall's
Buzzard Island Creek—End of Buzzard Island to Lippen-
cott's Wharf at Sandy Point.