ventions for the nomination of candidates for State offices,
shall also elect as hereinafter set forth, delegates to national
conventions and Presidential electors and the governing bodies
of such political parties for the State, but shall have no power
to select or appoint committee or governing bodies of any char-
acter for Baltimore City nor for any division thereof, nor for
the counties of the State.
(4) Any person who may be a candidate for the nomination
of any party subject to the provisions of this sub-title for the
office of President of the United States and who may desire to
obtain the vote of the delegates from Maryland of any such
party in its national convention may become a candidate for
such nomination in primary elections to be held in accordance
with the provisions of this sub-title in the several counties of
the State and the several legislative districts of Baltimore City
and shall be entitled to have his name printed upon the official
primary ballot of his party in primary elections held under and
in accordance with this sub-title in said several counties and
legislative districts as a candidate for such nomination for
President by making the payment required and by filing a
certificate of candidacy specifying the party to which he belongs
and the national convention whose nomination for President
he seeks and in form and in substance like the certificate of can-
didacy required of candidates for the nomination for the office
of Governor of Maryland by Section 48 of this Article, except
that such payment shall be made and such certificate filed by
said candidate or candidates for said office of President not less
than thirty days before the day of the primary election for dele-
gates to the State convention which shall select and instruct, as
hereinafter provided, the delegates of each party to the national
convention; and the Secretary of State immediately on receipt
of such certificate and payment shall certify the fact of the filing
of each certificate and the name and description of each person
so filing such certificate as specified therein to the Supervisors
of Elections of Baltimore City and of every county in the State
and shall also apportion and transmit the said payment to each
of said Boards of Supervisors of Elections as prescribed in Sec-
tion 48 with respect to the sums paid by candidates for the
nomination for the office of Governor of Maryland and said
Boards of Supervisors for each county shall pay over the
amounts so received to the County Commissioners of each
county respectively, and the Board of Supervisors of Balti-
more City shall pay over the amount so received to the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore, and all the expenses of said
primary election for candidates for President of the United
States and for delegates from the several counties and legis-
lative districts of Baltimore City to the State convention of